Thursday, April 30, 2020

Google: The Face of the Internet

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin: a timeline of their ...

In 1998, during the beginning of the internet, two Stanford graduates named Larry Page and Sergey Brin created a website that organized online data for users to easily find and access information. Named Google, this search engine has now evolved and become the internet. The multi-billion dollar company is able to control what we see on the internet and can influence what we do.

Since their creation, the famous tech company has done more than provide search options for the internet. Some of their most popular innovations include:

Google Maps: GPS software for smartphone and computer that helps map out locations for easier travel
Youtube: Social media platform for video-sharing
Gmail: Email platform, most popular in US
Google Drive: Document-sharing website for storing files and collaborating with other users
Google Translate: Can easily translate any text into any official language

Google today is still the leading competitor in the tech industry and is staffed by some of the smartest young beings in the country.

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