Thursday, April 30, 2020

How Facebook Changed Social Interaction

Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? - The Atlantic

In 2004, four Harvard graduates created the first social media platform for people to communicate through messages and media on the internet. Facebook is an online hub where users can follow their friends and be constantly updated on their lives. It is an opportunity for many to share their stories and gain attention. However, although Facebook has kept society more connected, they have also help change the way we interact and communicate.

It is almost impossible today to stand in a crowd of people and not find someone on social media. This innovation of technology gives us an inside look of what others are experiencing and the news and trends we should be aware of. This key information limits our vocal social skills as we don't need to ask others in person. Initiating random conversations with strangers is rare nowadays because we can access social media and easily find one. We have the option to be anonymous and speak freely without damaging your name. We can do silly and crazy things just for "likes" but be emotionally hurt when we receive "dislikes". Meanwhile, public gatherings feel quiet as people feel more comfortable in their virtual worlds.

Facebook created a social media revolution that has changed all of us. Where do we go from here? Social media grows larger in size everyday and there's no way of stopping it anymore. Will our voices stay silent as our fingers text what we have to say? Public speaking, which was once a common trait, is now considered a "gift" and takes time to practice. 

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