Thursday, April 30, 2020

Individual Self-Fulfillment

7 Steps to Self-Fulfillment | Brian Tracy

Of the Eight Values of Free Expression, I believe that Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most important. Also known as "Self-Actualization", it is our will power that drives us to be better and write our own story in history. Without this quality, it can be difficult to accomplish the other 7 values of Free Expression.

The most important person in your life is you and it is your ultimate job to care for yourself. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we humans have a top priority of accessing physiological needs like food, water, sleep, and oxygen. After that, the next set of important needs concerns our safety and security from threats. These first two sets are considered the basics for human life but are also the minimum requirement.

On the third rung of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, human beings require love and a sense of belonging. Family and friends grow as a community to strengthen and motivate one another, and a life partner can be there for you to offer comfort and trust. The next set is about the need for positive feelings like self-esteem and self-respect. Learning to have control of yourself and enjoy life can relieve dangerous mental pressure.

And at the bottom of the pyramid lies creative self-growth and the feeling of reaching your potential. This concerns your career and hobbies that you take part in to grow your mindset and contribute to the world. What you do and accomplish adds to your experience and makes you stronger everyday.

This is why Self-Actualization is so important because you need to have your needs in order before you can attend others' needs. You are the top priority and your health and safety is crucial for you to be able to love, motivate, and inspire.

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