Monday, May 4, 2020

Police, License Plate Tracking, and the Information They Have About Us

Catherine Crump: The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the ...

When it comes to government surveillance and online information storage, I am pretty split on the subject. Personally, I believe that it is not an issue for me if I don't know about it. In a TED Talk with Catherine Crump, she explains that law enforcement uses license plate tracking software to record hundreds of photos of us in our cars going throughout our daily lives. She says that this is an invasion of our private lives and this technology should not be used. While I agree with the idea, I believe that it is more threatening if the information was sold to businesses for advertising rights. For example, if a photo of my car revealed that I had a bumper sticker from a ski lodge, I would now feel violated if I began to receive ads from competing ski lodges and ski equipment sellers. The government has the right to track us as long as they are using the software for its intended use and not abusing their power. Crump explained that NYCPD officers used the license plate tracking for cars that were parked outside of inner-city mosques. While I find this to be racially profiling, I would honestly feel more comfortable if they were tracking all cars in NYC as more and more massacres are being committed by other races in the US. And besides, we don't know who could be the next serial killer or mass murderer, but having this information that may feel invasive could also be key evidence for protecting society from future deadly events.

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